A Beaver family had significant issues - drug and alcohol addiction, protective services involvement, and homelessness. Both of the children struggled with tremendous trauma. One of the children, who had mental health issues and learning disabilities, was served through special education services. This child was dealing with all of these very challenging issues all alone. He was falling behind, truant and suspended at school, and was not tracking and following through to ultimately graduate. Due to all that had happened, he had trust issues and no structured adult support. Our advocate took the team approach, identifying allies (including one family member) and figured out who else in the school and community could support him. The advocate helped him to find counseling, hosted meetings to bring the right people to the table, and attended all of his meetings with different organizations. He was connected to support at The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and Training at Community College of Beaver County. He was finally able to accept the help and take advantage of the support and programming he needed to get on the right track. He was able to graduate from high school this year. With his newly-acquired self-advocacy skills, he now has a job and lives independently.